
Showing posts from February, 2018

'Still Testing'

On Thursday 22/2 in P 3 we will work to complete publishing our creative writing for display in our room. You will also begin the work associated with this weeks BIG READ. This is based around the Kiwi rocket, named 'Still Testing' that reached orbit on January 22 2018. Another example of some great Kiwi technology. You will work to complete a response to this article. All of this work is in the Hapara workspace Creative writing and the Kiwi Rocket.

Welcome to 9 NE English

Welcome to 9NE English. I have enjoyed working with you, and have been impressed  with the way you can all work cooperatively together. I think we are off to a good start. I have included the Y9 course outline for you, so you can see what we are going to be working on this term.